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May 8, 2024

Active Adventures: Our Guide to Mauritius' Best Hikes


Southwest Coast of Mauritius

Embark on a journey through the lush landscapes of Mauritius, where adventure and serenity meet. Our hotels invite you to explore the island’s stunning natural beauty through a selection of Mauritius’ best hikes. From verdant forests to panoramic views, these trails offer unforgettable experiences for adventurous tourists.

Deux Mamelles Mountain offers a serene yet rewarding hike. With two summits to explore, the east summit is more accessible, promising panoramic views of iconic mountains such as Pieter Both and Le Pouce. Ideal for those looking for a short adventure, the hike spans a 2.4 km round trip, taking about 2 hours to complete.

Plateau Remousse Viewpoint, hidden within the Black River Gorges National Park, is a gem waiting to be discovered. This easy to moderate hike stretches 5.6 km round trip and can be completed in 1.5 to 2 hours, offering breathtaking views over lush forests and distant islands.

La Tourelle du Tamarin stands out with its challenging paths and the stunning vista it offers of Le Morne, Black River, and the Tamarin salt pans. Although it requires a moderate level of fitness, the journey is aided by fixed ropes along the trail.

Corps de Garde is renowned for its stamina-testing trails, offering an immersive experience with nature over a 4 km route. The hike, suitable for those with moderate fitness levels, promises views worth the effort, taking approximately 3-4 hours to complete.

Ebony Forest welcomes hikers with its family-friendly trails through a reserve dedicated to preserving the island’s native species. The raised walkway to Sublime Point is a highlight, providing splendid views across Mauritius.

Tamarind Falls, also known as Sept Cascades, presents a lush, waterfall-rich trail. This moderate hike of 5 km takes you through a green valley filled with waterfalls, where you can enjoy a refreshing swim.

Cascade 500 Pieds offers an easy to moderate trek leading to the top of Mauritius’ tallest waterfall. The trail is fairly easy, making it a perfect choice for a short but memorable hike.

Mont Cocotte, accessible from the Alexandra Falls viewpoint, is an easy to moderate hike perfect for beginners. The trail leads to a summit offering magnificent views of the island, requiring only about 30 minutes to reach the top.

Each hike promises its own unique beauty and challenge, appealing to different levels of hikers. Remember to bring sunscreen, a water bottle, and appropriate hiking shoes to ensure a comfortable and safe adventure. Our concierge team at the hotel is ready to assist you in planning your hiking excursions, providing you with all the necessary information to embark on these scenic trails.

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